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Some time ago I had an opportunity to participate in youth exchange program. I spent two weeks in High Tatras with people from 5 different countries, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Italy and from Belgium. The project was dedicated to learning about other cultures, how dangerous radicalization of youth is and what is the danger of fake news.

Riding horses


I do not really remember the first time I sat at the horse. My parents said to me that I was about two years old and that I was not afraid, like not at all. I was just sitting, smiling and it seemed like I had done it before. Somewhere there was the beginning of everything.

Do you know this amzing feeling when fall starts, leaves fall and you are at home with cup of tea? This is my ideal imagine of autumn, however I very rearly end up like that. Honestly, I am summer person and when autumn comes it brings with itself many duties and usually cold weather. I really love when autumn...

As a kid, my mum cooked and baked often. When it was possible she made me and my siblings part of this process. We have many photos of us with small aprons and dough all over us. I allways loved it and somehow this sticked with me since today. Right now I love cooking, baking, experimenting and everything that...

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